Monday, January 11, 2010

the pets you've had. (chosen by krystal)

cat. (super mean orange cat we found on the street when i was really young)
shadow. (solid black weenie dog/best dog ever next to the current one)
jasmine. (the super sassy kitteh i had and loved for a long long time)
pebbles & bambam. (brother and sister weenie dog set)
precious. (kristen's weenie dog after the twins. she was annoying)
tank of rainbow fishies and the foot long sucker fish. (nuff said)
moo. (nanny's cat. she was black and she mooed)
skyler. (over energized black lab)
dirk. (dad's black lab)
bella. (our current, sassy, lazy, but definitely cute chihuahua)


bob and beulah(miniature schnauzers)

toby(black lab)

christopher robbin(kitty)

jack russell terrier whose name i can't remember

rosalinda..whose name got changed to rosario when we realized that is was a HE tarantula

scrappy and lola(rats)

sugar(miniature schnauzer)

tumbleweed whose name got changed to Van Gogh(pit bull) because his ear used to have a fold defect thing and it reminded my sister of how Van Gogh chopped his own ear off and mailed it to his girlfriend..we have a uniquely arts-minded family..

Dempsey(calico kitty/VICIOUS JUNGLE CREATURE). got her name because she has a patch on her nose that makes it look likeits crooked, which reminded my dad of the boxer Jack Dempsey

horizon and sunrise?(tree frogs)

todd(baby squirrel i nursed back to health)

tons of fish and sucker fish(who always got their eyes pecked out of their faces and were eventually victims of fishy cannibalism by the fins of the other bully fishes in the tank)

hashbrown-hamster#1(froze to death when mom put him outside in the laundry room when she got fed up with the noise he made in his bedding at night)

cookie-hamster#2(died. mom did something. can't remember)

nilla wafer(cat i rescued and took to the ranch camp i worked at)

MAGGIE-my golden retriever/sister/mom who i will love forever.

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