Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ten Wishes You Want to Come True. (chosen by the pair)

I Wish...

1. That the family I start will stay a complete love unit and will NEVER achieve the label "broken"
2. That i was 40 pounds lighter
3. That the college God wants me to go to for the next three years would send me a postcard saying something along the lines of, "We're the one!" or, "Come on down!" or something else absurd but noticeable.
4. That when i graduate, i will have a degree that i can use selflessly to pour into hurting people's lives..preferably overseas.
5. That my rockin husband won't dawdle.
6. That people would quit hurting each other's bodies. No fist fights, no shootings, no guerilla warfare, no bombs.
7. That i didn't worry like i do.
8. That i had unlimited funds to shoot film and develop my own photography for the rest of my life.
9. That i could move to colorado TOMORROW and attend Colorado State University and never worry about tuition.
10. That my family owned Anthropology.

1. I wish to be a phenomenal singer.
2. I wish that I was 30 pounds lighter.
3. I wish my family was happy.
4. I wish to travel the world doing missions and photography.
5. I wish money didn't rule the world.
6. I wish to love and to be loved.
7. I wish that I was always perfectly in the center of God's will for my life.
8. I wish that Texanna lived with me in Denton, TX.
9. I wish we had White Christmases every year! and that the plural of Christmas wasn't Christmases.
10. I wish that I knew what God has planned for me.

**Now, comment your list!**


  1. Girls, this is great! I love it! :)

  2. i wish...
    1. it was cheaper to fly to Africa
    2. i had a car that could hold 100 boxes of cupcakes without damaging any during delivery.
    3. i could live in a small town like stars hallow and still work at iGo
    4. i was married. to a Godly, missional man.
    5. there were clothes made that i actually wanted to wear.
    6. i had more self discipline.
    7. that people i love and have been praying for would come to trust Christ.
    8. Jesus would come back soon.
    9. desserts had 0 calories and that i could eat bread without guilt.
    10. i had all the stories and wisdom my elders have told me over the years written down for me to read after they're gone.

  3. i wish...

    one: a vampire would bite me.
    two: i could fly.
    three: war was unnecessary.
    four: i could go back to when i was ten and tell myself of all the things i wished i'd known.
    five: everyone wanted to save the planet.
    six: no one went hungry.
    seven: being a Christian was easy.
    eight: that my life will always be an adventure.
    nine: i could join the peace corps without a degree.
    ten: that i had ten more wishes.

  4. I wish...

    . I could see everyone I love every day.
    . I could move to Paris in a moments notice.
    . I wasn't so afraid to do something bold.
    . I could make a living doing something like writing books that inspire, challenge, and encourage people in their walk with the Lord.
    . People treated each other with kindness everyday, everywhere.
    . My life will never fall under the category of "boring" or "unoriginal"
    . That money would never be an issue (people would be a lot happier).
    . I could mentor girls/young women forever.
    . People would meet me and know they can spill their lives to me and be completely comfortable... "Naked and unashamed".
    . I had the wisdom of an elderly woman without being an elderly woman just yet.
