Monday, December 28, 2009

aspects of your ideal house. (chosen by texanna)

**just a warning: this is a passion of mine, therefore my list will be quite long.

in colorado or ireland or somewhere quiet but close to civilization..
a red arched doorway with a moon shaped cutout
old wooden floors that creak
porcelain sinks and bathtubs
glass doorknobs
warm assorted lighting
lots of lamplight
no fluorescents
trees. all kinds: murals, pictures, real trees, branches
futons with memory foam
bay window that i can sit in to read
a nursery..with a baby in it..mah baby(and consequently Rad Husband).
deep basin kitchen sinks
mismatch dishes
trash furniture that i resurrected
old chandeliers
old quilts
a craft corner in my living room for guests to utilize when they come visit
a whole huge wall devoted to mine and my family and friends' artwork
lots and lots of windows
a huge, sprawling, crazy, loud, colorful, green, tall, sustaining garden in the backyard that my children help me maintain
all sorts of indoor plants
animals. not necessarily indoors.. but maybe goats and bunnies.
a coffee bar
tons of individual, mismatched comfy chairs in my living room for guests to sit and read in when they come over
an enormous bookshelf with all of my (and Rad Husband's some day) favorites
things hanging from the ceiling
a mobile of colored glass bottles hanging at varying lengths from a tree in my yard
a knocker on my door.. not a doorbell
a fireplace
music. always.
a hat stand
lots of hooks
stringed lights inside and out.
loose leaf tea in my cupboards
deep colors on my walls
shelves..lots of shelves.
as little plastic as possible
all my linens with fun prints
an indoor cat maybe..or a huge dog.. but probably not multiple indoor animals.
porcelain wall furnaces in my bathrooms
my own photography on the walls
cards and postcards from friends hanging from my ceiling somewhere
possibly not a tv
mugs. lots of mugs.

**me too.

a tree. not the fake kind.
art, specifically the "fruit of righteousness is peace" art tex gave me a year or two ago.
pictures. everywhere.
a cat.
a room devoted to my crafts.
a spiral staircase to the second floor. but not the elegant kind.
red finger nail polish.
scarves. lots and lots of scarves.
feather comforter.
squishy seats.
food. lots of food.
a balcony with french doors, that are antiquey. in my room.
a view of nature. or a view of the city.
a location near a really rockin city.
lots of windows, that are weird shapes. everywhere: natural lighting.
lamps that don't match.
a kitchen that's semi-large with big windows.
random eclectic plates and cups and mugs and bowls and utensils.
knobs that don't match on cabinets.
super cute electic hooks places to hang things.
flowers. fresh.
verses painted on the walls.
a room devoted to books and a super comfy cute reading space in that room.
music playing.
a record player.
jones soda in the fridge.
frames over things not pictures.
furniture that's un-matching.
a mini grand piano. that the hot man happens to play rather well.
a chalkboard wall.
only one tv. accompanied by several classics and only truly loved and wonderful movies. no cable.
at least one chaise.
a fire place. that doesn't look like anybody else's fire place. and has a fire in it. so maybe i want to live somewhere colderish.
a pool ish. that's smallish. that's gorgeous. so that i can cool in the summer. and swim often.
big sexy.
an old fashioned tub.
strands of lights.
multiple pairs of toms. for peachyman and myself.
antique looking window shutters.


  1. is it lame that I like this so much?? My list will not be quite as long....i don't think.
    A house not too big and not too small, but full of open spaces where people have to interact. quiet corners for lounging and reading.
    couch in my kitchen for friends to sit while I bake or for me to nap while something is baking. Memorials that evidence the power and mercy of Jesus. Comfy couches, lamps, rugs, and someone to share my thoughts with at the end of the day. An open door for people in need.

  2. tex...this is one of my dreams, to make a beautiful/hippie home for my someday family.
    *a house with lots of trees, st. augustine grass, and on a street where the trees canopy over the road.
    *lots of leopard print, houndstooth, and velvety yummy fabrics.
    *ecclectic furniture.
    *tons of huge black/white photos of my kids/and husband
    *family art projects on the walls
    *chalkboard door or wall
    *a place to kick off your shoes as soon as you walk in.
    *at christmas, the smell of potpourri on the stove
    *tree branches for every practical use throughout the house.

    thats just a few.
